
Friday, August 26, 2011

Advanced Trimming Clinic 26.08.11

I am EXHAUSTED! I took both my mares to the Barefoot Blacksmith advanced clinic today and I think I slept about 3 minutes last night as I was so nervous about hauling my skatty mares over an hour away in peak hour traffic but I shouldn't have worried, they were perfect.

For now, I'm just going to post some notes I took on my iPhone. I might write some more later once I recover from this god awful headache.

Hoof advanced notes

High level performance horses - shod vs bare - safety for rider vs what is best for hoof.

Hoof balance = biomechanical neutrality - PEDAL BONE. Normal rotation 3-5 degrees. Needs to be some rotation to allow for vertical loading. Quarter scoop for high impact. Absolute ground parallel is NOT SOUND. no where to give in back part of the foot. Hinds slightly steeper than fronts - powerhouse. For correct movement. Very important for soundness.
Sole is the landmark for pedal bone. No bone in back part of foot, totally plastic, open to deformity. Hard ground and soft ground heel length different. Capsule angle matches Pastern angle.

FULCRUM - relaShionship between the foots centre of gravityand the limbs centre of gravity. Limb gravity behind foots gravity (lines). Half foot infront of centre of gravity. 

Horses don't have straight legs. Symmetrical is not sound. Movement brings legs closertot the midline. HORSES LAND LATERAL (outside) SIDE OF HOOF FIRST SLIGHTLY. this is normal. Medial side is steeper, takes most of the forces on landing. Guiding landmark is the sole plane for front of foot, but frog is best anatomical guide to balance the back of the foot. Hind feet when resting lateral side of hoof on ground is loaded and medial mostly unloaded. Balance according to frog. 

Front legs all over the place. Horses are meant to be browsing off low shrubs, NOT the ground. Have to spread their feet wider to reach grass. Habitual grazing patterns need to be taken into account.

The best balanced feet are on the horse that moves the most!

The direction of the frog is where the pedal bone points.

1.5 cm sole thickness minimal for hack size horse. 

Bullnose = top much toe on!! Negative pedal bone angle leads to bull nosing.

Club foot - be carefull with how you take away heel - instead concentrate on bringing back breakover - the toe. Match the dorsal wall (front of the foot) to the pedal bone. Laser tips on a club foot works well to help soundness. Grazing stance unloads the club foot and tightens up the flexor tendon. Tight flexor tendon = pulling on the back of the pedal bone which leads to club foot.

Keep the toe backed up on the hinds.

lands opposite - medial side first I.e. Lateral side takes the brunt of the force. Leads to ring bone and side bone. Medial side is built to take more force but not the lateral side. 

Dealing with lat/med balance. Concentrate on the lateral side keeping it short on fronts. Opposite on the hinds.

Toe first landings lead eventually to navicular. :(

That's it! TTFN!

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